Friday, July 9, 2010

Awesome-ness That is Publisher Websites

Hey Ya'll,

I wanted to do a random blog post for the under 19... On most if not all of publisher websites they have way cool forums you can join that I just did and I loveee, one is for Simon and Shuster, and it's called Pulse It! Once they approve your request you can read some books online for FREE! How cool is that?! I'm not quite sure if there is an age limit but I think it's for teens only, once you sign up you should friend me HERE :)

Another one is with Henry Holt Publishers, and that one is definitely for under 19, and is sort of complicated to sign up for, and my request hasn't offically been accepted yet but hopefully it will shortly! It's called The In Group and you can check that out HERE

Thats It!


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